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Angry Birds Epic Hack and Cheats - Tutorial

When it was already open for use, the application was only supported by one gadget brand, which means you can only play angry birds epic’ online games in a limited media. angry birds epic pc version However, because it gained popularity in just a short span of time, the game also ended up in other cellular phone brands; and it did not stop there. Players who were glued to the angry birds epic’ game demanded that angry bird’s pc version should also be created and published for them to be able to play it at a bigger screen. This is why, the company decided to launch the desktop and laptop version in January 2011; but not only that, they also included the gaming console version during the product launch. Again, due to insistent public demand, a version for social networking sites will soon be published and again raving player reviews are expected to flow.

But how do you play angry birds epic online games and what are angry birds epic anyway? Well, this game is ironically about birds, which are angry at a bunch. The cause of the anger is because the pigs actually stole the flocks’ eggs. So in order to make revenge, the objective of the birds is to kill as many pigs as possible with the help of a flock of birds and a slingshot.

Like many games, you also advance from level to the next once you have killed all the pigs. A common strategy in this game is for you to hit your targets directly in the middle of their bodies. Other times, you can expect your enemies to hide in buildings, so all you have to do is to hit the buildings in order for them to collapse, thus, killing the pigs. But as you go to a higher level, expect that you will encounter a more difficult set up making the game a lot more challenging. Nevertheless, you do not have to worry about the challenge in each level because your ammunition also evolves as you progress in the game. You will take a hand at birds with different colors and breeds which are equipped with various attack strategies. Furthermore, when you play this game, expect that in every launch a type of trail is formed. This trail will help you improve your aim in your next shot because it serves as a tracer.

Once you install angry birds epic pc version, be sure that you have no homework or chores that need to be finished because this game will leave you glued to your computer and to your seat since it can really be a very addicting game for all ages; from school age kids, to teenagers, and even to adults. You will never get enough of this game.

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